Weiming Hu
A practical idealist in open source and open science

801 Carrier Drive
Harrisonburg, VA 22807
Office: EnGeo 2133
Salute and welcome!
I am an Assistant Professor in the School of Integrated Sciences, James Madison University, Virginia, under the Geography program. My research interests lie primarily in machine learning and big spatiotemporal data analytics.
I am particularly passionate about quantifying and understanding the level of uncertainty from multi-source data, e.g., remote sensing, model simulations, and ground observations, and from hybrid dynamical-machine-learning models. My goal is to investigate how to build accurate, reliable, trustworthy, and realistic models with machine learning for Environmental and Earth Sciences. My work has been applied to renewable energy forecasting, extreme event forecasting, and water resource management.
Have a look around and find out more about me. Don’t forget to check out my blog, the Wanderer’s Retreat. Feel free to respond and leave a comment. Peace!