
This posts documented how I created a user clone of NCAR package library (NPL) for use with JupyterHub. I want to do this because:

  1. I want to use the JupyterHub interface
  2. I want to be able to install packages to kernels. This would prevent me from using any of the pre-existing kernels.

Most of the steps are already documented here. But JupyterHub environment was probably built with a different setup with the cloned NPL package. So there are extra steps to make sure the same version sare installed.

This post was last tested on Feb. 24, 2021.

Clone NPL

# Load the required modules
module load python ncarenv
# Check available modules
ncar_pylib -l

# Clone the module to your user space
cd $HOME
ncar_pylib -c 20201220 venv_Jupyter

You can find more details on this matter here. The clone process took about 3 minutes for me and it printed the following output.

Cloning 20201220 into directory venv_Jupyter...

    Python 3.7.9-20201220 library on system cheyenne
    Modules used to build this package library:


    When installing packages into your personal clone,
    use the aforementioned modules to avoid compiler
    and library errors.

    We also recommend using the "--no-cache-dir" option
    to the pip install command, which will prevent pip from
    installing previously compiled package installs that
    may have used different library versions. Example:

        module purge
        module load ncarenv gnu/9.1.0 ncarcompilers python/3.7.9
        ncar_pylib -c default my_clone
        ncar_pylib my_clone
        pip --no-cache-dir install PACKAGE_NAME

And then, let’s add the cloned module as a kernel so that we can use it in Jupyter notebooks.

ncar_pylib --kernel venv_Jupyter

Module Consistency

The following python code check should be done after requesting a session from JupyterHub and in a Jupyter notebook. You should toggle the kernel between Python 3 and venv_Jupyter to see the different versions if any.

import bokeh
import tornado
import distributed
import dask_jobqueue

At the time when I wrote this post, Python 3 had the following configuration.

print(distributed.__version__)    # 2.3.2
print(dask_jobqueue.__version__)  # 0.6.3
print(tornado.version)            # 6.0.3
print(bokeh.__version__)          # 1.3.4
print(msgpack.__version__)        # 0.6.1

venv_Jupyter had the following configuration.

print(distributed.__version__)    # 2020.12.0
print(dask_jobqueue.__version__)  # 0.7.2
print(tornado.version)            # 6.1
print(bokeh.__version__)          # 2.2.3
print(msgpack.__version__)        # 1.0.2

Our next step is to install version specific modules into venv_Jupyter.

# These lines come from the previous output when you cloned NPL
module purge
module load ncarenv gnu/9.1.0 ncarcompilers python/3.7.9
ncar_pylib venv_Jupyter

# Install version specific modules
pip install --no-cache-dir \
  distributed==2.3.2 \
  dask_jobqueue==0.6.3 \
  tornado==6.0.3 \
  bokeh==1.3.4 \


Please feel free to comment if you have found other modules that should be checked for version consistency. Thank you!