Profile AnEn


This file documents the process of profiling analysis of the weather forecast technique Analog Ensemble.

Result Preview

These figures are generated using TAU profiler and the visualization tools paraprof.

time-breakdown time-3D time-threads

The following figure is generated from gprof.


Preparation and Clarification

Please note a couple of placeholders in this tutorial. It is recommended to use the absolute full path to replace them.

  • [Allocation Name] is the project name you are attached to. It shows up every time when you log onto ICS.
  • [Analog Ensemble Source Dir] is the root directory of Analog Ensemble programs. You can download it from Github.
  • [TAU Source Dir] is the folder all TAU source files are extracted to. You can download TAU here;
  • [Profile Data Dir] is the folder with profile data and a configuration file. Please generate the profile data using the R script generateAnEnInput.R by running Rscript generateAnEnInput.R in a console. The R package ncdf4 is required. The configuration file is config.cfg.

Profiling with TAU

Build with TAU

Similar to gprof, we need to build the program with tau compilers. Please install tau first. Here, I assume that tau is already available. Wondering how to install TAU, please jump to the last section.

# Build AnEn programs
cd [Analog Ensemble Source Dir]
mkdir build && cd build

# Generate the make system. We are installing to a specific location to avoid any program clashing
CC=taucc CXX=taucxx cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../release_tau ..

# Sometimes, TAU might not be able to find some packages. So you might need to add -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to guide tau compilers
CC=taucc CXX=taucxx cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../release_tau -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu .. 

# Build
make -j 2

# Test
make test

# Install
make install


To collect profiler data, run the program normally. It is necessary to run the program with the exact command for gprof.

cd [Profile Data Dir]
OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 [Analog Ensemble Source Dir]/release_tau/bin/anen_grib -c config.cfg


Profile files have names like profile.0.0.*. We can use the following tools to visualize the results.

# For text visualization

# For graphic visualization

Profiling with gprof

Please note that gprof might have the highest sampling error among the three solutions here.

Build with gprof

To profile the program with gprof, we only need to build the program with the extra flag -pg.

# Go to our root directory and carry an out-of-tree build
cd [Analog Ensemble Source Dir]
mkdir build && cd build

# Generate the make system. We are installing to a specific location to avoid any program clashing

# Build
make -j 2

# Test
make test

# Install
make install

Let’s check the program is built successfully.

# Change the directory to the installation folder
cd ../release/bin

# The following file should be automatically generated.
file gmon.out


Run the program normally.

cd [Profile Data Dir]
OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 [Analog Ensemble Source Dir]/release_gprof/bin/anen_grib -c config.cfg

This should generate a gmon.out file.


To visualize the gprof output, we can convert the text file to a dot graph and then an image. I’m using the gprof2dot program which is written in python.

# Install the graphviz if you do not have it
sudo apt install graphviz

virtualenv env -p python3
source env/bin/activate
pip install gprof2dot

# -w for wrapping function names
# -s for stripping detailed function information to reduce texts
gprof [Analog Ensemble Source Dir]/build/release/bin/anen_grib gmon.out | gprof2dot -w -s | dot -Tpng -Gdpi=500 -o profile-gprof.png

Profiling with valgrind

valgrind is very accurate because it runs your program in a virtual environment. But it does introduces a lot of overhead (10x ~ 80x slower).

Check if you have already installed the profiler tools. To install them, you can use sudo apt install kcachegrind valgrind.


No extra configurations are needed. Just build the program as you normally would.

# Go to our root directory and carry an out-of-tree build
cd [Analog Ensemble Source Dir]
mkdir build && cd build

# Generate the make system. We are installing to a specific location to avoid any program clashing
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../release_valgrind ..

# Build
make -j 2

# Test
make test

# Install
make install


Run the executable with valgrind.

cd [Profile Data Dir]
time valgrind --tool=callgrind [Analog Ensemble Source Dir]/release_valgrind/bin/anen_grib -c config.cfg


Some profile data files with names like callgrind.out.* should have been generated. Use kcachegrind to visualize them. Choose the latest one if you have multiple of them. Usually this is because you have run the command multiple times.

kcachegrind [callgrind.out.* profile data file]

Sequel on TAU Installation

I found TAU profiler to be very powerful and convenient to use. It is a piece of software from the University of Oregon. The video walks you through the installation and I followed it. There might be typos so be careful when reading and watching.

For TAU_OPTIONS, you can find the references here. At this point, I have successfully built TAU with the visualizer paraprof.
